We The Athletes!

Who is an athlete? or better yet What is an Athlete?

An athlete (also sportsman or sportswoman) is a person who competes in one or more sports that involve physical strength, speed or endurance. Athletes are assessed via their past achievements or current performances.

Athletes Train, exercise, and follow special diets to stay in the best physical condition, but that’s not all. Good Athlete’s will also

  • Take instructions regarding strategy and tactics from coaches and other sports staff during games

  • Follow the rules of the sport during competitions and games

  • Assess their individual and team performance after each event and identify their strengths and weaknesses

  • Maintain their sports equipment in good condition if applicable

  • Continue to Practice to develop and improve their skills

  • Also known as interval training, speed training is the improvement of your speed or explosive bodily potential as used in various fitness disciplines

    There are three main types of speed training; ( these can include but not limited to) assisted sprint training, resisted sprint training and regular sprint training.

    Assisted speed training.

    Acceleration and Sprint speed.

    Coordination training.

    Sprint endurance.

  • Range of motion (ROM) refers to how far you can move or stretch a part of your body, such as a joint or a muscle. It's different for each of us. For example, some people can do complete splits, but others can't: their joints aren't loose and their muscles won't lengthen as far.

    The 3 types of ROM exercises include

    Passive Range of Motion.

    Active-Assistive Range of Motion.

    Active Range of Motion.

  • While strength training alone can increase an athlete's explosive power, there are other more effective training methods… Plyometrics (both upper and lower body exercises ) is ideally suited to the jumping, throwing, or maneuvering events.

    The ten generally recognized components of physical fitness or complete Athletic training are cardiorespiratory endurance, strength, stamina, flexibility, coordination, agility, balance, accuracy, power and speed.


Showing Up and Standing out.

90% of success is showing up and the other 10% is being prepared for the present. Your story can make all the difference and possibly help the next person Show Up! As We all begin to Show Up, We allow Ourselves to Show Out!

